Date issued: August 1, 2018

Guinness Ghana Breweries Limited (GGBL) has rewarded deserving sorghum farmers and aggregators in the Upper East and Upper West Regions at a recognition and appreciation event held in Tamale.

Among the award winners were Mr. Anthony Akudago, a member of PFAG in the Garu Tempane District of the Upper East Region, who was awarded a “Lead Farmer” for Guinness Ghana Limited. He is credited for being part of the pioneers of sorghum farmers who began cultivating the crop and supplying to Guinness Ghana Limited as a raw material for the production of their drinks some 25 years ago.

For his award, Mr. Akudago took home a Motorbike, a recognition certificate and assorted products from GGBL. The entire staff and members of PFAG extends our warmest congratulations to Mr. Akugado and hope that other farmers will replicate his hard work and consistency for national and international recognition.


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