Updated: Jul 12, 2019

Reports reaching Peasant Farmers Association of Ghana (PFAG) indicate that, bags of subsidised fertilizer are being smuggled out of the country to Burkina Faso and Togo.

According to some members of the fertilizer security watchdog committee set up by the Association, the commodity can be seen in some shops located on the border towns that share boundary with Ghana.

This is unfortunate especially after the all the assurances our farmers received with regards to that fact that, this year the fertilizer will be made available for the Ghanaian farmer only. Our farmers will be disadvantaged if this practice is not checked and stopped now.

In view of this, we wish to draw the attention of state actors and the security agencies along the borders and suggest that, a more practical proactive steps be adopted to address the situation. We are of the view that, if our security agencies work closely with our watchdog members, the situation can be brought under control.

Let us all sincerely help curb the smuggling of fertilizer across neighboring countries and secure it for the Ghanaian farmer.

The fertilizer watchdog committee members will continue to monitor the movement of subsidised fertilizers across neighboring countries and report such perpetrators to the security agencies for arrest and prosecution.


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