Updated: Jul 12, 2019

Peasant Farmers Association of Ghana (PFAG), has joined the ongoing campaign on galamsey and urges all illegal small scale miners across the country to stop destroying the environment and take up farming as a profitable business.

PFAG, lauds the media and government’s campaign against galamsey, which threatens food security and health. Ms. Victoria Adongo, the Programme Coordinator said the move by government to stop galamsey was apt, adding that, there were several alternatives for the illegal miners including farming.

“Galamsey activities have taken over the land of the farmers and have polluted and poisoned the water bodies. We (PFAG) did a research and realized that most of the water was full of arsenic, actually some of the food stuff and vegetable produce, there ware traces of arsenic in the food.”

That is why we are emphasizing our support for government’s actions against galamsey activities in the country. But we should also recognize that; what will these galamsey operators be doing after their activities are successfully stopped by government? What are the alternatives?

“That is why we (PFAG) are inviting the galamsey people to join us do farming, now that agriculture is being transformed in Ghana, farming is the safest, most secure, and less troublesome area to engage in” Ms. Adongo advised.


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