The Vice President, Dr Bawumis has given his firm assurance to secure funding to complete the construction of the Pwalugu Multipurpose Dam. He gave this assurance during a call on him by the board and leadership of PFAG at the Jubilee House on Monday, 12th December.
The meeting was mainly to discuss issues related to government investments in irrigation facilities particularly, the Pwalugu multipurpose dam. The delegation made an appeal to government to secure funding to complete the Pwalugu multipurpose dam as it could significantly improve agricultural production in the country
The vice president noted that dam could significantly transform agriculture and the economy at large. According to him, “You cannot transform the economy without transforming agriculture and the dam has the potential to do just that; All studies point to the fact that return on the dam investment is high” He therefore assured the delegation that he will continue to do everything within his power to ensure successful completion.



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